
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I know a lot of you have
no idea what my days look like here in Swazi, so I thought I would give a short
abbreviation of our weekly schedule. This could also help you pray for my team and the Kingdom of Swaziland
throughout your day if you know what we are involved in and when we are
involved in it!


            10:30-2:00 Church

            2:30 Lunch

            3:30-7:00 Ministry Prep/Free Time

            7:00-8:00 Dinner and Dishes

            8:00 Team Meeting

            9:00-?? Worship then bed



            7:00-8:00 Showers and Breakfast

            8:00-9:00 Quiet Time

            9:00-5:00 Ministry

            5:00-7:00 Chores/Free Time

            7:00-8:00 Dinner and Dishes

            8:00-?? One-on-One Discipleship with our leaders/Free



            7:00-8:00 Showers and Breakfast

            8:00-9:00 Quiet Time

            9:00-11:30 Large Group Discipleship

            11:30-12:00 Lunch

            12:00-5:00 Ministry

            5:00-7:00 Free Time

            7:00-8:00 Dinner and Dishes

            8:00-?? One-on-One Discipleship with our leaders/Free



            7:00-8:00 Showers and Breakfast

            8:00-9:00 Quiet Time

            9:00-5:00 Team Ministry

            5:00-6:00 Team Time Sharing Timelines (our stories)

            6:00-7:00 Dinner Prep

            7:00-8:00 Dinner and Dishes

            8:00-?? Family Fun Night (whole team activities)


Saturdays: FREE DAY


Just remember we are 7
hours ahead of East Coast time until day light savings…then we will be only 6
hours ahead!!